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Educational Course on Valuation Analysis!

Have you ever wondered if a stock is cheap or expensive? 

In this course, you will learn the basics of how to value stocks!  This includes the following:

  • Common Methods of Valuation,
  • How to Calculate a Discounted Cash Flow of a Stock, 
  • Popular Valuation Metrics to Judge Businesses! 

This course is a series of eight lectures of varying lengths (5-30 minutes) and two Case Studies that cover the basics of valuation analysis: 

1. An Overview of Different Valuation Frameworks!

2. What is the Intrinsic Value?

3. What are the Common Methods of Valuation?

4. What are the strengths and limitations of using a Discounted Cash Flow analysis? Are there more practical alternatives?

5. How do different valuation metrics apply to different companies?

6. How do you deal with uncertainty as it relates to Profit Margins, Growth & Valuation Multiples? 

7. Learn how to make your own hypothetical valuation framework! 

Aspiration: My goal with this course is to provide you a framework for valuing stocks (what I wished I knew when I started out investing)!

Feedback & Pledge: So far the feedback has been extremely positive on these courses. That said, MY PLEDGE is that if there's any gap or questions, I'll either try to respond to it directly or create additional materials to address it (inclusive of the original purchase).