Market Musings


Upstart Stock & SOFI Stock: Why are they collapsing?

$sofi $upst fintech May 10, 2022

Why is Upstart (UPST) stock and SOFI stock collapsing?  I just made a video, LINK, if you'd like an overview of the situation. 

Both of these companies are referred to as a "Fintech" businesses that take the latest in machine learning technology to disrupt traditional financial markets.  

For context, the loan markets that Upstart and SOFI are attempting to disrupt are HUGE. If either UPST or SOFI are successful it could potentially translate into hundreds or even thousands of percent growth in the future. 

 In addition to their core lending products, SOFI is attempting to become an EVERYTHING financial services company (e.g. infrastructure, trading platform, asset management, etc.) however they're still immensely UNPROFITABLE. 

In contrast, UPST is more narrowly focused on the huge market opportunity of disrupting loan originations and is also much more PROFITABLE. 

The challenge that both UPST and SOFI currently face is...

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